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Our insurance is an easy way to protect car, motorcycle and personal property when you live in Italy
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Pursuant to GDPR 2016/679,
By clicking on the submit button you declare that you have read the Privacy Policy of PSA Assicurazioni di Paolo Solaro for the processing of personal data as per the indicated purpose (contact or information request)
METHODS OF DATA PROCESSING: The personal data you provide, will be subject to processing operations in compliance with the above-mentioned legislation and the obligations of confidentiality that inspire the activity of the Owner. The data will be processed both with computer tools and on paper media as well as on any other suitable media, in compliance with the appropriate security measures under the GDPR. In accordance with the European law on data security (Art.13, European Regulation 2016/679), the User acknowledges that PSA Assicurazioni di Paolo Solaro undertakes to process the User's personal data in accordance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness, and transparency and protection of confidentiality. Therefore, the User is informed that:
  1. CATEGORIES OF DATA: The subject of processing may be your personal data such as identification data, master data and contact data, and company affiliation.
  2. DATA CONTROLLER: The data controller is PSA Assicurazioni di Paolo Solaro, Via Montevideo, 13 - 20144 Milano (MI), C.F. SLRPNT66R16F205X; P.IVA 07458070963, who can be contacted by phone on 02. 22179197 or at
  3. SOURCE OF PERSONAL DATA: Personal data held by the Data Controller are collected directly from the data subject.
  4. PURPOSE OF DATA PROCESSING AND LEGAL BASIS: The processing of your data, collected and stored in connection with the completion of this form "Book a telephone appointment", has as its legal basis the execution of pre-contractual measures (Art. 6, lett. B) GDPR) and is carried out for the following purpose: to contact you again in the indicated time slot in order to provide you with the requested information regarding the services we offer.
  5. RECIPIENTS OF THE DATA: To the extent pertinent to the processing purposes indicated, your data may be disclosed to partners, insurers, co-insurers, insurance brokers, banks, credit institutions, attorneys, appraisers, physicians, parties involved in various capacities in the services left by the Data Controller, consulting companies, private companies, third party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies
  6. TRANSFER OF DATA TO THIRD COUNTRIES: Your personal data may be accessed by our staff, agents, and suppliers (where appointed external data controllers), including those located in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), for one of the established purposes, whose data protection laws may be of a lower standard than those of the EEA. In the latter case, we will ensure that all of your personal data accessed outside the EEA are treated with appropriate protections. Some countries outside the EEA, such as Canada and Switzerland, have been authorized by the European Commission as providing similar protection to the EEA's data protection regulations, and therefore no additional legal protections are necessary. In the case of foreign countries that have not obtained such authorization, such as India, you will be asked, assuming the conditions are met, for your consent to the transfer or your personal data will be transferred using contractual clauses approved by the European Commission. Such clauses impose similar obligations in data protection directly on the recipient unless we are permitted by applicable data protection law to transfer the data without such formalities.
  7. PERIOD OF STORAGE: Collected data will be retained for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed ("principle of limitation of storage," Art.5, GDPR) or according to the deadlines stipulated by legal regulations. Verification on the obsolescence of retained data in relation to the purposes for which they were collected is carried out periodically
  8. RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECT: The data subject always has the right to request from the Data Controller access to his/her data, rectification or erasure of data, restriction of processing or the possibility to request data portability, asserting these and other rights provided by the GDPR by simple communication to the Data Controller, who can be contacted by phone on 02. 22179197 or at The data subject may also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
  9. OBLIGATORY OR NOT TO PROVIDE THE DATA: We inform you that the provision of data is compulsory and any failure to provide them means that the Controller cannot provide you with the necessary information.
  10. METHODS OF DATA PROCESSING: The personal data you provide, will be subject to processing operations in compliance with the above-mentioned legislation and the obligations of confidentiality that inspire the activity of the Owner. The data will be processed both with computer tools and on paper media as well as on any other suitable media, in compliance with the appropriate security measures under the GDPR.
  11. AUTOMATED DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES: We inform you that the Holder, in order to evaluate and prepare its quotes, calculate the risk class and the insurance premium, as required by the applicable regulations, needs to carry out analysis activities through an automated decision-making process, analyzing your data inherent to the previous insurance history and past events. This process is carried out by using pre-established algorithms limited to the primary need of calculating the risk inherent in the insurance business and is necessary for the conclusion of the insurance contract and the very nature of the relationship. Finally, it should be noted that the Data Controller may carry out additional activities involving automated decision-making processes related to anti-fraud and anti-terrorism activities. These activities involve the processing of personal data in an automated manner in order to detect possible fraud or conduct that may result in the violation of state and supranational anti-terrorism regulations.
+39 02 22179197
+39 02 22179106
underwriting agency
Psa Assicurazioni
Underwriting agency
di Paolo Antonio Solaro
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